Scotland’s Town Toolkit is a free online resource which supports all those who seek to turn aspirations for their towns into reality.
Launched this summer, the Toolkit was developed by Scotland’s Towns Partnership with support from Scottish Government and over 200 contributing organisations. EKOS were pleased to contribute to the Measuring Success section, which sets out why you should formally monitor the progress of your project, what you should measure, and how you should do it, alongside relevant examples.
The Toolkit is full of tried and tested ideas to help anyone who wants to make positive changes in their town, covering topics such as arts and culture, buildings and property, clean and green, enterprise and business, and streets and spaces.
The Toolkit is built to facilitate access to the information that you most need depending on the focus of your project and your current step on the journey to delivery, whatever your organisation or sector:
· The ‘taking action’ page gives information on the nuts and bolts of making change: collaboration, planning, resourcing, delivery and measuring success.
· The thematic sections provide ideas, advice, case studies, short videos and links to further information.
· ‘Inspiration’ case studies show how four towns – Dumfries, Huntly, Paisley and Stromness – have become success stories by bringing ideas featured in the Toolkit to fruition, each in their own unique way.
Visit the Toolkit and see how it can help your work here:
STP are always on the lookout for feedback, so please do get in touch if you have any suggestions for new content or how the Toolkit could be improved. See what others have said below!*