In 2021, EKOS were commissioned by Stirling Council to support development of a new economic strategy for the local authority area.

The strategy was developed on the basis of extensive consultation and sets out a bold, shared vision for the future of Stirling’s economy. Structured around three core themes of supporting an economy that is thriving, sustainable and inclusive, the strategy’s overarching objectives are to:

  • Support local businesses to grow
  • Attract jobs and investment
  • Tackle inequality
  • Support the transition to net zero

Alongside Stirling Council, a wide range of public, private and third sector stakeholders also had input to the strategy, pitching the strategy as one for the whole of Stirling.

A comprehensive action plan for 2022-23 underpins the new strategy, alongside a monitoring framework to track progress on key objectives. The strategy was approved at a meeting of Full Council in early March 2022, and can be read in the meeting papers. A formatted version of the strategy will be published in due course.

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